Dengue Hemmorhagic Fever

With the declaration of the World Health Organization that the AH1N1 influenza virus is now on a global pandemic scale, news about incidences dengue especially here in our country have become a little quiet. It is officially the Dengue season as the rainy season started to come in. The Department of Health tells us to fear dengue fever more than the AH1N1 virus because the latter has available medications to cure the illness but dengue has none. Have you done your dengue preventive measures already?

Dengue Hemorrhagic Fever is an infectious disease that is spread through the Aedis Aegypti mosquito. This mosquito bites during the day and lays eggs in stagnant water. Symptoms of dengue include sudden onset of high fever that may last up to 7 days, joint and muscle pain, pain behind the eyes, skin rashes, abdominal pain, nosebleeding when fever subsides, dark-colored stools, and vomiting of coffee-colored matter. The last three symptoms are actually life threatening because it means that the patient is already encountering hemorrhage. Since there is no specific cure for dengue fever, the patient is administered medications to prevent dehydration and to strengthen the immune system against other possible complications.

To prevent the spread of dengue, the Department of Health recommends getting rid of possible breeding places of the aedes aegypti mosquito. Therefore, all areas that have stagnant water should be cleaned or covered. To prevent mosquito bites, a mosquito repellent lotion may be applied. It also helps to take B complex vitamin supplements. I read that B complex vitamins in our system make our bodies emit a scent that mosquitoes do not like.

As mothers, we have to be vigilant in gaining information about Treatment for Symptoms of diseases. Prevention is still better than cure and being informed is one sure way of preventing the spread of diseases.

The Amen Clinics by Dr Daniel Amen offers medical services that aim to treat symptoms and diseases. Find more information about Dr. Daniel Amen here.

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