Mommy Bloggers Say: On pregnancy, tantrums, and other concerns

Here's another round-up of interesting posts from my favorite mommy bloggers.

Levy of Living a Mom's Life to the Fullest wrote about Asperger Syndrome. I know that there are still many people who are not familiar with the condition like how I was before I read Levy's post. It's a form of autism but people with Asperger usually have above average intelligence which makes the condition all the more special. People with Asperger have difficulties in three areas, namely: social interaction, social communication and social imagination. Head on over to her post to read the details of each difficulty.

Join me in congratulating Jem of Experience of a Super Mommy because she's pregnant with her second baby. She wrote about the early signs of pregnancy and the early pregnancy symptoms that she's been experiencing. I'm sure all of us mommies can relate to her.

Sugah Momma, Sammy, shared tips on how to prevent UTI or urinary tract infection. Being diabetic, UTI has always been a yearly occurrence for me. Prevention is still better than cure, so they say, so be sure to read about her post.

Lastly, Pehpot of Make or Break shares her tips in handling tantrums in public places. I'm sure many of us parents have been through the tantrums phase so you can really relate to her post. Tantrums are little kids' way of venting out their frustrations.

After reading their blogs, I hope you also get to read the entry I wrote about preparing for circumcision. Rap is still recuperating and, thankfully, all went well. I still had to help him cleanse and dress the wound, though. He's still my baby, anyway.

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