Turning Your Backyard Into a Dream Landscape

You might have a huge backyard, but it's a forest of plants and weeds. It's time to use this space as an extension of your home. The yard can be an extra living space when you organize and clean it up just right. Explore these ideas for your backyard's renovation so that it can shine brightly during that next gathering.

Add Stepping Stones

In many cases, the backyard is simply a wide-open space with no discernible walkways. Instead of pouring an expensive sidewalk, turn to stepping stones as an alternative. Create a meandering walkway between your house and a patio arrangement by setting the stones flush with the ground's level height. The stones weather almost any storm, and they'll remain in place over the years. Visitors will always know where to step as you entertain them on the weekends.

Install Awnings and Umbrellas

The piercing sun can be uncomfortable on certain days so shade parts of the yard with awnings and umbrellas. Awnings attach to your home, and they extend outward for shading purposes. Umbrellas tend to be more versatile because you can add them to nearly any part of the property. Allow some sun to shine through for your grass and other plants. Any visitors will enjoy sitting in the shade on those hot, summer days.

Invest in a Deck Installation

If your home is situated on a slight hill, the backyard may not be comfortable for a standard patio set. Consider a deck installation with adjustable legs. Learn more about these deck systems that are customized to your landscape by talking to a sales agent. The deck itself will be perfectly level so that you can add furniture and a barbecue as desired.

Plant and Pot Favorite Greenery

Your backyard might have a few plants, such as bushes and grass, but you want some color to bring the area to life. Add a flower garden or pot a few annual plants in the space. Colorful flowers are possible almost year-round. You simply need to keep up with the watering and fertilizing processes. Adding potted plants around the yard will only improve its appearance.

Keep up with the growing plants by hiring a landscaper or committing to the work yourself. During the spring and summer, those plants can grow almost exponentially. With regular trimming, the backyard can remain a comfortable retreat for the entire family.

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  1. I would LOVE to do more with my back yard. We don't have much room, but I am sure we could find ways to make it better.

  2. My yard needs some TLC. These are some great ideas.

  3. I keep telling myself that one of these days I'll clean up my yard so I actually want to spend time on the deck. Someday!

  4. Good tips! I haven't thought about adding stepping stones before! I love my garden it's such an important space!

  5. I rent my apartment and have a tiny little carport but I've made the best of it. I'm going to use your tips to see if I can turn it into a dream backyard.

  6. I think landscapes look much better with the addition of greenery to brighten up the place. A deck installation is a great idea x

  7. We are going to be moving soon, and I am wanting a big backyard for this reason. I want to make a beautiful landscape in the backyard.

  8. I am so excited to get to work on my back yard oasis. The weather has been warming up and I am itching to get out in the garden again.

  9. I love sitting in my front porch relaxing and watching the day go by. However, my back yard is a different story. It is there where I hang out and spend time with the kids and grandkids, entertain guests, or host a BBQ party. It would be nice to spruce up my backyard a bit. Thanks for the tips.

  10. It's awesome to be able to fix up the backyard into a place that the whole family can enjoy. I think these are great ideas!

  11. I should really do more to my backyard. I feel like it's always lacking something. A few decorations and add ons here and there and I'm sure it's going to be amazing.

  12. I rent with the apartment and I have some spaces for my dream backyard I think it's possible but It's great when I have my own house I can do what I want. I love the set up on your dream backyard

  13. Those are really cool ideas. We do not have a backyard but we have a garage. I think I can still use some of the tips there.

  14. My plants are just green at the moment. I could definitely use some color out there.

  15. We bought a new house at the end of last summer and I have been chomping at the bit waiting for the weather to warm up so that we can start working in our back yard and make it our "oasis". Thanks for the ideas!

  16. I really want a lovely backyard with lots of greens and flowers. But i can't DIY so I plan to hire someone who is expert in landscaping.

  17. Weeds are my worst enemy! I wish I knew more about landscaping. :(


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